Monthly archive March, 2007
Isn’t this overkill? I guess if you shoot RAW or have one of those cameras that can shoot video to a CF card it makes sense… but something about this scares me. I don’t know if I want all that space at risk of a frailer. I really don’t have much more to say about...
So it took nearly two months but it finally happened, I finally got that story that everyone has to cover… gas prices. It’s basically the same story that everyone’s shot a million times, in fact I shared a laugh last night with a friend who covered the same story a week prior at her paper....
This year I got to take part in something I’ve been wanting to for a long time. It’s another one of those things that I’ve always wanted to do but never knew when the plan would come to fruition. But it’s funny how the last couple months things that I’ve always wanted to do have...
Wednesday was a big day for the local Daughters of the American Revolution, a patriotic women’s society limited to lineal descendants of soldiers of the Revolutionary War. The organization added six women to its ranks. But Wednesday was even more important for 92-year-old Rosemary Arthur of Santa Cruz, who watched as five family members and...
Let me first preface this post by saying that I don’t like Carson Daly, he ranks right up there between Dane Cook and a kick to the groin from behind for me. Why do I say this? Because I am forced to admit that I was watcing his late night show after Conan ended tonight....
… but the first that I’ve seen in the newsstand. I passed by this kiosk on Pacific Avenue just after sunset as the rain was pouring and I was on my way back to the office dreched by the sudden downpour in nothing but a thin turtle neck sweater (don’t tell my mom, she worries)....
So Blogger thought my blog was a spam blog and I haven’t been able to post until today. Ouch… my pride.