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Yup, once again, welcome to my latest post for #JCarn. The Carnival of Journalism is a loose collection of journalism thinkers (and people like me) who get together to post on their blogs with their reflections on a given prompt. This month I had the opportunity to host and asked folks to write themselves a letter. As it’s the end of the year, it felt like the right time to look inward. Plus we spend so much time looking outside of ourselves at the industry/government/tech trends/government that self-reflection becomes that icky no-no that we seldom tackle. I know it’s scary, but come’on, let’s do this thing! Why? Because YOLO? “Write a letter to your younger self.” Dear Me, I’m writing to you from 2013, a little wiser, a little slower and probably still confused about why more people don’t do the right thing, but don’t let that stop you from trying. We’ve always been stubborn. I’m packing for a trip to India right now as I write this– don’t worry, you’re not married and yup, you’ll eventually leave California and actually get to fly in a plane– it’s been a wild couple of days. The last 10 or […]
Howdy folks, After trading some e-mails with David for the great reboot of #JCarn– we were trading prompt ideas and well, I’ll be your host for December. Oh how rude of me, I’m being such a terrible host, let me take your coat, come on in, wipe your feet. As we race toward the end of 2013, it’s a natural time for reflection and in that spirit I think I’ve come up with what I hope will be an enjoyable and perhaps even cathartic prompt: “What would you write if you could send a letter to your fifteen-year-old self?” For December I would like you all to write a letter to your younger self. You can write about anything, no rules, no apologies. You may like to share with yourself advice, things to look out for, things you wished you did differently, regrets, hopes, what you’ve learned, about your life, choices… or just about anything that is on your mind. Ideally these are deeply personal to you and I hope it’ll be enlightening to others in its universality to the human condition. More often than not, if it’s important to you, it’s important to others. And who knows, maybe you’ll […]
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