My time at the Santa Cruz Sentinel has come to an end, last Wednesday was my last. I worked Mondays, and it was kinda weird waking up and not having to drive for an hour over over the hill today. Everything has to come to an end sometime.
For my last day there wasn’t much on the roster, but it was a hot day (the first of a mini heat wave actually) and so I went out looking for weather art. When I returned I filed my stories and didn’t have much left to do, and seeing as how it was my last day and I had time, I pitched an idea to produce a slideshow.
I find it kind of fitting that my last day at the paper ended on the beach… and with a slideshow.I wanted to try something different and sorta went nuts with the editing. Take a look, it’s sorta my parting valentine for the paper. I had some good times there and I’m gonna miss it… hmm.. that sounds like a list full of reminiscing…
- I’ll miss debating the latest news or ethical developments in photojournalism with Shmuel Thaler.
- I’ll miss running into Ryan Sholin everyday and having one of us say “did you see this online…” But seriously brah, you can’t let you’re daughter’s first movie be Transformers, that’s child abuse 😛
- I’ll remember that first day of looking though the archive and seeing all the cool stuff in there… and then wasting all that time looking at old movie stuff and press packets for TGIF (if I have to explain it, you’re to young… and a loser).
- I’ll chuckle when I think of all the office politics and romances that I’m not supposed to know about.
- I’m miss getting to joke around with Anthony L. Solis in the office and then checking out his photos on Flickr.
- I’ll remember getting lost twice on the way out to an assignment with Soraya Gutierrez and talking about Rage Against The Machine… not to mention rage in general (I still say it was her fault!)
- I’ll wonder how it was that I always (well 99% of the time) ended up driving the reporter to all of our assignments… I’m the out of townee after all.
- I’ll remember the day I got the frantic phone call that the front page story fell through and I’d better do a really really good job (no pressure of course the message said) to help fill the gap “or else.”
- I’ll always wonder why it took me three weeks to finally go to a beach.
- I’ll remember the hum of the printing press in the basement as it rumbled to life each night and vibrated the floor in the photo room.
- I’m not gonna miss waiting for a free computer… or saving all my Photoshoped work to a portable hard drive to move over to the only Mac with soundslides (but no Photoshop) only to discover it’s behind a door that was supposed to be unlocked.
- I’m not gonna miss waiting 15 minutes for Photo Mechanic to start up for that matter either.
- I never did figure out how to check my work e-mail… I hope there wasn’t anything important in there.
- I’ll laugh at all the times I ran out on false alarms for spot news… like going out to a fire and instead finding Frisbee golf (which it turns out is normal) and the time a guy brought dynamite to Costco in his car and went inside to ask “Should I have this?”
- I won’t miss (or understand) having to move my car every hour in Watsonville.
- I’ll remember the day I spent on a story covering bookstores and discover that book stores are pretty cool places.
- It’s a sad fact, but no one actually ever drives the speed limit… unless a cop is around, and even then the cop doesn’t drive the speed limit either.
- I’ll sorta regret not going to New York City for spring break.
- But I’ll miss being the point man while two of the three staff shooters were on vacation during spring break.
- The day I was told that I’m getting too many front pages and doing too good of a job (apparently it’s possible).
- I’ll remember when everyone felt I was being taken advantage of with an unpaid internship and they threw a few bucks my way.
- I’m gonna miss the photo advice from Matt King, less art, more limbs. Got it dude!
- I’m not gonna miss becoming known as the go to guy for pictures of pets and kids during my first month there. Thankfully that changed.
- I’ll always remember the day I finally got to go to the beach.
- I won’t miss the racist old woman at the bank who asked me where I’m from and wanted to teach me the ways of America. I told her “I can’t help it if they let brown people and white people walk on the street together in Canada.” (I’m not from Canada.)
- I won’t miss the hippies who believe that listening to George Harrison’s post India sitar and doing Yoga somehow makes them spiritually enlightened and somehow as I’m an Indian, that makes me their mystic conduit into the mysteries of the East. Seriously guys, we’re just different, stop thinking you’re somehow better than others in the West just because you want to be different like us.
- The day I returned the light kit at school only to need it on the very next assignment. Lesson learned, take out a loan and buy a light kit.
- I won’t miss the time I was blocked in at the fairground with a deadline and couldn’t get my car out until way past midnight. (I meet my deadline, don’t ask.)
- I won’t forget the garlic fries on the Boardwalk or standing in the framework of the Big Dipper and trying to hold the camera as steady as possible while the roller coaster shook the rails and wooden structure almost violently.
- I’ll remember the letter from a reader who cried after seeing my pictures.
- I’ll miss going down to Watsonville and sharing in all sorts of censored shenanigans… and telling them they were better than the main office and then doing the same when I was back in Santa Cruz.
- And this will be my last time being a part of the week in pictures.
- There’s so much I’ll remember and look back on… but mostly I’ll always remember all the cool people I met while on assignment and all the things I learned about them, from them and about myself.
It’s been fun, but every chapter has to come to a close.