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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Author Archive

Re: I need a haircut…

Ok… this is just too good not to share… Arriving in my e-mail a few hours after my last post, my good buddy Daniel Esch decided to not be shackled by the distance between us and took it upon himself to share his razor sharp wit and knowledge of all things awesome. A Biz Markie...

$12, 12 hours, 12 musicians

I’m sure you’ve all heard about the 48 Hour Film Fest and a few of you may have heard of 24 House Comic Day, but I’m pretty sure not to many have heard of the inaugural Crate Digger Deathmatch, a 12 hour contest that challenges contestants to spend $12 on supplies and produce an album...

I need a haircut…

Ok… I’m giving in, once it starts whipping me in my own eyes, it’s time. That’s me back in August when I first arrived to start in ABQ. And here I am about 2 weeks ago. In between zero trims. So there. Also, some people out there have expressed that I’m not posting enough pics,...

PJ loses a friend

I’ve talked about it before, joked about it and held out hope from the inevitable… but today it has come. This morning the staff of the Albuquerque Tribune heard the news, Saturday would be their last day and after 86-years the doors will closed one last time. It wasn’t the paper of my internship, but...

Stop the presses! It’s time to vent!

Today I ran across the greatest Web site in the world and just had to share (and also because I know it’ll get lost in my delicious and I wanna make sure I check it out later). Of course I haven’t really vented yet, for one I’m unemployed now so there isn’t any job to...

Last day

Today was the last day, and for my last assignment I had the pleasure of photographing these two critters at the metro pound. I always thought Pets of the Week was a weird assignment. It felt like every week that I’d do it I was having to decide which animals lived and which died. Walking...

And this is the end, the end my friend

Well… it’s nearing the end of my time with the Albuquerque Journal. It’s been a long, winding, educating, eye-opening trip. Thursday is my last day, with Friday a check-out day. As of now my last assignment here is pets of the week for the metro section. Seems kinda fitting and poetic. So what can I...

A new way to waste time on YouTube

Ooo… pretty… You see that little red thing in the corner that looks like Brainiac’s logo thing? Well it shows up when you go into full screen mode. Once you click it you get this nifty new way of browsing. Nothing monumental, but YouTube is the most popular web video service and it’s worth mentioning...

Finally a use for Twitter I understand

Scrolling by Google Maps the other day, continuing with my OCD fueled need to always check the maps before heading out for an assignment, I noticed a little button for Super Tuesday elections. I thought about writing something about how Twitter and Google teamed up to produce this real-time update of election proceedings with Twitter...

Quick hits: Medals of Memory

A slick interface, a heartfelt story and few moments of laughter fuse to create Medals of Memory, a look at the military tattoo and the men and women who emblaze their flesh with the ink. The Naples Daily News package features Army Specialist Jolene Wieber’s path to having a cross tattooed on her right leg...

Quick hits: Including Samuel

Rumor has it Dan Habib of the Concord Monitor may be considering a second career as a filmmaker (but it’s just a rumor so I won’t dwell on it to much at this point) and after checking out some of his work on his latest documentary, that might not be a bad idea. Including Samuel...

Thinking out loud: Why not Divx?

So it’s a lazy Sunday over in the newsroom, I guess it’s another effect of that buffer created by the holidays. So naturally my mind has started to wander and I’m starting to Think Out Loud again… How come Divx never took off with newspapers? Higher bitrates translating into higher quality, even web native HD....