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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Author Archive

Time out Tuesday: Lynda serves up FREE! training

To tie in to the launch of the new version of Apple’s Final Cut Pro, has decided to offer up some free training. No doubt to get upgraders quickly up to speed with all the new features, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing in there to be learned by folks like you an me...

The Shriner

The Shriner’s were in San Antonio this year for their annual convention. They’ve been doing all sorts of things all weekend and ended their visit today with a parade past The Alamo and through downtown. I saw this man sitting on a stool and it just looked so icon to me with his surroundings and...

Time out Tuesday: Sour’s ‘Hibi no Neiro’

I have no idea what they are saying, but that is some inventive use of a worldwide fan base. There’s not much to say about it, just watch and enjoy.

It’s the Fourth

Enjoy 🙂

Dive bomb

I tried to have some fun with this story about birds at a San Antonio deli that have taken to swooping down and attacking unsuspecting men. Odd to say the least. Hopefully my video matches the tone of the story.

A place for prayer

I noticed her sitting out there all by herself. She seemed so at peace. Sister Mary Louise Barba was sitting next to Missionary Catechists of Divine Providence’s new labyrinth with a book on her lap and her eyes to the horizon. “It’s really special,” Sister Barba said. “To see them all on their hands and...

Rocky Mountain News stops the presses

Today the last issue of the Rocky came off the presses and as the ink dried on the page, the last truck left the facilities and the newsroom doors close, it marks the end of another great photo paper. We’ve lost too many in recent years. Final Edition from Matthew Roberts on Vimeo. Also check...


The bag from Shaminder Dulai on Vimeo. The last of three videos created for the Midland Daily News’ coverage of the Dow Corning Tennis Classic. Take a look and chime in with any comments/criticisms/advice. Also if you find the video to be a bit jumpy, try watching it in SD as opposed to HD. Thank...

Allie Will

Will from Shaminder Dulai on Vimeo. The second of three videos created for the Midland Daily News’ coverage of the Dow Corning Tennis Classic. Take a look and chime in with any comments/criticisms/advice. Also if you find the video to be a bit jumpy, try watching it in SD as opposed to HD. Later


Happy V-day everybody. Here’s hoping you’re with your hunny today. 🙂


Doubles from Shaminder Dulai on Vimeo. The first of three videos created for the Midland Daily News’ coverage of the Dow Corning Tennis Classic. Take a look and chime in with any comments/criticisms/advice. Also if you find the video to be a bit jumpy, try watching it in SD as opposed to HD. Thanks.

My how times have changed

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my short lifetime and in my even shorter professional life, it’s that everything changes. No matter what you think can’t be changed, will in all probability, change. Just thinking back at some of the things I used to believe, some examples of which I’m sure you can find...