Here’s some more Christmas goodness (yeah, I got ALOT of time on my hands all of a sudden). As I sit on the couch and flip though channels on the TV, finding nothing to watch as I fiddle with the rabbit ears to pull in a signal, I’m reminded of those days when I was...
Well another year has gone by, and this blog has been way too dead for way too long (again). Since my last post much as changed, I’m now working at the Midland Daily News as part of my first rotation with the Hearst Fellowship. While I’m learning to better my craft and learn a few...
Pretty cool if you ask me, I’m just wondering what took them so long. Anyone whose been online over the last five years can tell you that the illustration is nothing more than a tag cloud, but in print it’s a bold move. It’s nice to see print taking chances and playing with typography, now...
I bookmarked this on Delicious, which in turn was feed to my twitter, but it’s just too big to leave it at that. The Las Vegas Sun is hiring and if you’re wise, you’d apply. For one there aren’t many places hiring, but bigger than that, the Sun is one of the few papers that...
It’s my 333 post here on SLR! Why does that matter? Wow, way to be a jerk, but if you must know it doesn’t really. But 3 is my lucky number and thus 333 posts is kind of something special for my neurosis. You happy now? Feel like a big man taking all the wind...
I wrote about Photosynth last year, with great excitement and at great length I might add (with too much length and excitement some of you might add) and after all this waiting and not seeing anything come out of it, I’m now getting all excited for the next evolution of this software. The idea of...
Interactive Narratives is back! It’s back and thank goodness! After the fall of MultimediaShooter I was itching for a place to see multimedia on a consistent basis. Five years ago, IN founder Andrew DeVigal was snatched up by the New York Times and the web site slowly stopped seeing updates. But now its back and...
I’ll go into more details another time, for now, take a look and tell me what you think. Later
Well I stayed longer than I thought I would (but I’m not complaining), but now it’s time to move on. My ABQ chapter is officially in the books. Whenever I go somewhere new, I always end up taking lots of pictures, noticing tons of things and writing a ton… I’ve been stepping aside, pulling over...
You see that man in the picture to the left. That’s officer D. Guzman. He is an asshole. The kind of cop that gives good cops a bad name. Read the story and check out the video. And then try not being outraged like I am right now. This is outlandish and should not be...
Life magazine staffer, Magnum agency member and founder the International Center of Photography, Cornell Capa, died Friday at his home in Manhattan. He was also the younger brother of Robert Capa, but in many ways he’d made a name for himself outside of his shadow. Like his brother he had started with war photography, but...
With MultimediaShooter down and out for the count, I haven’t been able to get my Koci travelogue fix in quite a while, which is harsh because it’s messing with my pre-trip vibe. See, I always watched some of those before a trip just to get me in the right mind set, but now those are...