Personal branding and social media seems to be all the rage in our self-indulgent, opinionated, fly-by-the-seat modern lives. It’s the new self proclaimed SEO guru and just from my own experience searching LinkedIn, there’s been a 50% increase in users claiming social media as a skill over last year, on the business social site. That’s...
For months I’ve been looking for the perfect means for uploading my video work onto the blog. I’d been putting it off, constantly moving the task to the back burner whenever other things came along. But now the time has come. Last Friday I helped a friend edit together a teaser trailer for his band....
If it wasn’t obvious before, now it should be without a doubt. Wikipedia isn’t a source of research, at least not as the end all authoritative voice. During a speech at the University of Pennsylvania back in June, Wikipedia’s founder, Jimmy Wales, warned students against using the online encyclopedia as an academic source for class...
The other night Daniel Sato reminded me of Dr. Dennis Dunleavy’s March 2005 post about my experience in Reno, NV for the 2005 NCAA WAC basketball tournament. Dennis wrote: “Tonight, while helping out on the Spartan Daily, we were waiting for Shaminder to email some images he made at a basketball tournament in Reno. When...