I just saw “Blood Diamond” last night, a great film by the way. It’s Edward Zwick return to the elegant simplicity of “Glory” and departure from the boisterous frivolity of “The Last Samurai.” I’d always hoped Zwick would recapture his talent, a mature director with a steady hand and a pure understanding of the fundamentals,...
I ran into an ethical dilemma while on assignment at the Santa Cruz Sentinel today (and by today I mean when I wrote this, I have a bad habit on making everything a draft because I want to rewrite stuff), and it was a most fowl dilemma indeed. (Thunder clap!) Sorry I couldn’t resist. Anyhow,...
If it wasn’t obvious before, now it should be without a doubt. Wikipedia isn’t a source of research, at least not as the end all authoritative voice. During a speech at the University of Pennsylvania back in June, Wikipedia’s founder, Jimmy Wales, warned students against using the online encyclopedia as an academic source for class...
Photographic manipulation and the questions of ethics aren’t a recent creation of the Photoshop era. As the Museum of Hoaxes shows us it’s as old as photography. In the above picture: In 1925, as the story goes, New York News photographer Harry Warnecke was out looking for a feature and happened to see a traffic...