As journalist, our stories go into the paper and inform the public today, but in time it becomes history and if that history is built on lies, then we become a nation of lies. But how do we define truth and when does something become truth? We once believed that using leeches as a medical...
In another life I spent more than a few years writing film reviews and essays of new and old, classic and infamous, good and bad films for various websites and any press outlets that would have me. Recently I had the chance to revisit my old passion when it came time to produce a research...
I’ve been a little too serious as of late around here, it’s time for some comedy relief. Animation and MC Escher… I love this kinda stuff. The fellow shaving his head has unwittingly created something that every multimedia photographer is striving for: short, sweet, tightly edited, has a perfectly accentuated musical aspect and it holds...
I’ve been meaning to post this for a while, but someone cruel once decided that humans need sleep. If you’re like me you’re always looking for inspiration and one of the places I’ve found it was in looking over the winners of Multimedia Shooter’s first anything-goes contest held last March. There’s a couple of really...
According to a report by Scientific America, researchers have developed a method of refracting light back on itself in the opposite direction than how it wants to natural bounce off a surface. What’s this mean, it’s means there’s some crazy stuff going on with the study of light and adjusant to that is the way...
When Mediastorm launched a little over a year ago one of the centerpieces was “1976” a project that fused the beats of DJ RJD2 with a street photography aesthetic and an amazing flair for style and visuals. It’s more music video than journalism, but it’s just to good to ignore. I recently came across it...
This year I got to take part in something I’ve been wanting to for a long time. It’s another one of those things that I’ve always wanted to do but never knew when the plan would come to fruition. But it’s funny how the last couple months things that I’ve always wanted to do have...