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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Posts tagged "humor"

The best layout in the history of newspapers (take a long hard look)

Do you see it? No? Focus on the center. Take a look at the two pictures, and no they aren’t from the same story. It maybe hard to read here, but the top image is a stand alone feature and the one below it is a news story on a stolen wallet, the surveillance camera...

Photoshop on your iPhone!

Double awesome!!

Postcards from the road to ABQ

While I was driving over to ABQ, as I tend to do, I jotted a few my thoughts on the scraps of paper within arms reach. Here’s a few of the sights and sounds I noticed on the road to Albuquerque… -The way it worked out, to cross over to Arizona I had to cross...

Ike bien en German spam

So it seems that my last post was converted to German and posted on a weird blog, which I can only assume is spam. 3 things come to mind: 1. WTF 2. How do you find these things Ryan? 3. What can I do to make sure this happens again. It’s a bold new frontier...

A hard day’s iPhone

I think there’s some rule today that anyone with a blog has to write something about the iPhone. I think it’s the 28th Amendments: Congress shall make no law that allows for leniency on blogs that do not gush and exude fuel for the iPhone hype machine. (Our economy depends on your disposable income after...

We Believed all along

13 years, way too many coaches to remember (kinda fitting that Nelly is the only one that could put us back on track), too much drama, bad contracts (Mike Dunleavy? Seriously?), one monumentally disappointing first round pick (Joe Smith? Who?), one very atrocious new mascot (WTF is that thing?… No wonder fans prefer the throwback...

Spider-man (because the fanboy in me just has to)

There are webs on the sides of buildings and run on red spandex in stores and that only means one thing. Christo is at it again, but seriously, Spider-Man is back and the fan boy in me is (sorta) excited again (although the reviews aren’t looking great and surprisingly I don’t find myself itching to...

My favorite MC is Escher!

I’ve been a little too serious as of late around here, it’s time for some comedy relief. Animation and MC Escher… I love this kinda stuff. The fellow shaving his head has unwittingly created something that every multimedia photographer is striving for: short, sweet, tightly edited, has a perfectly accentuated musical aspect and it holds...

I’m glad Mr, Stewart agrees… whew!

When I posted my reflections on Imus I was afraid that some might miss the point I was trying to make, but thanks to a video a friend sent my way, I’m glad to see my thinking wasn’t quite as radical as I first believed.

At the tone the time will be… an arm and a leg

For thousands of years man has been waking up and going to sleep and in between he has always asked the same question, a question that has pluaged every society, destroyed nations and united strangers, a question that will never die and had no birth. It is the question that defines us: “when do we...

TV News is a bussiness, here’s some funny that proves it

As I reflect on today’s events, from Fox News’ treatment of Kurt Vonnegut’s death to the endless Anna Nicole Smith updates to the stories that never go beyond the ink of newspapers to today’s events at Virginia Tech University I find myself once again comparing TV News to Newspapers. Those that know me will tell...

Multimedia Shooter contest winners

I’ve been meaning to post this for a while, but someone cruel once decided that humans need sleep. If you’re like me you’re always looking for inspiration and one of the places I’ve found it was in looking over the winners of Multimedia Shooter’s first anything-goes contest held last March. There’s a couple of really...