Posts tagged "internship"
Well I stayed longer than I thought I would (but I’m not complaining), but now it’s time to move on. My ABQ chapter is officially in the books. Whenever I go somewhere new, I always end up taking lots of pictures, noticing tons of things and writing a ton… I’ve been stepping aside, pulling over...
Today was the last day, and for my last assignment I had the pleasure of photographing these two critters at the metro pound. I always thought Pets of the Week was a weird assignment. It felt like every week that I’d do it I was having to decide which animals lived and which died. Walking...
Well… it’s nearing the end of my time with the Albuquerque Journal. It’s been a long, winding, educating, eye-opening trip. Thursday is my last day, with Friday a check-out day. As of now my last assignment here is pets of the week for the metro section. Seems kinda fitting and poetic. So what can I...
Well, I may not have gotten front page (yet… oh yes, it shall be mine…) but I did end up scoring lead art on the paper’s website. Which I just happened to visit by chance and was pleasantly surprised by. Not so much that my picture was there, but because the website actually looked pretty...
A former editor recently dropped me a line and pointed out that for a photographer I sure haven’t been posting many pictures to SLR… so, here we go as today we ask, how’d this happen? It must be some sick twisted joke.
I don’t get it… first the laptops and now a flat tire. It’s almost the worst thing that can happen, especially after I had just come home from shooting the University of New Mexico football game until 12am and had to be up at 5am for a marathon. Being a young hungry intern, you don’t...
While I was driving over to ABQ, as I tend to do, I jotted a few my thoughts on the scraps of paper within arms reach. Here’s a few of the sights and sounds I noticed on the road to Albuquerque… -The way it worked out, to cross over to Arizona I had to cross...
Well I made it, I’m in New Mexico, day one of tomorrow and the next six months. Albuquerque reminds me a lot of a Reno and San Jose hybrid. It’s kind of in a valley like San Jose, well not really, it just looks like that at night when you’re seeing lights for the first...
By the time many of you (hey, maybe both of you can compare notes!) read this I’ll be on my way to ABQ, New Mexico. I’ve not said much about it thus far on SLR, but back in June I was accepted for a six-month internship at the Albuquerque Journal and I start on Monday...
Just moments ago, SJSU PJ Department head Dr. D. Michael Cheers, and this summers fellow at National Geographic, sent me an e-mail that our project, formerly under wraps, had a new national backer. National Geographic. He asked me to pass the word, so, here we go: National Geographic has joined The San Jose Mercury News...
My time at the Santa Cruz Sentinel has come to an end, last Wednesday was my last. I worked Mondays, and it was kinda weird waking up and not having to drive for an hour over over the hill today. Everything has to come to an end sometime. For my last day there wasn’t much...
The last couple months I’ve been living and dying with my portfolio as I look through it over and over, change it up constantly and formulate game plans for future stories. I’ve been thinking of what works and what doesn’t. What editors will want to see and what they couldn’t care less about. What will...