Sometimes horrific events take place and in the interest of the public, journalists do their job and inform. Today we faced another such event when a man walked onto the Virginia Tech University campus and chaos ensued with shooting in two location, two hours apart and a half mile apart. Details are still being ironed...
I’ve been meaning to post this for a while, but someone cruel once decided that humans need sleep. If you’re like me you’re always looking for inspiration and one of the places I’ve found it was in looking over the winners of Multimedia Shooter’s first anything-goes contest held last March. There’s a couple of really...
As I reflect on today’s events, from Fox News’ treatment of Kurt Vonnegut’s death to the endless Anna Nicole Smith updates to the stories that never go beyond the ink of newspapers to today’s events at Virginia Tech University I find myself once again comparing TV News to Newspapers. Those that know me will tell...
If it wasn’t obvious before, now it should be without a doubt. Wikipedia isn’t a source of research, at least not as the end all authoritative voice. During a speech at the University of Pennsylvania back in June, Wikipedia’s founder, Jimmy Wales, warned students against using the online encyclopedia as an academic source for class...