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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Posts tagged "multimedia"

Time out Tuesday: Journey to the End of Coal

This week I’ve found something that is just cool. Very very cool. Journey to the End of Coal takes a look at the exploding growth of China’s economy and the new energy needs that have come with it. By visiting various sites around Beijing, viewers are invited to dictate the path of two freelance journalist...

Time out Tuesday: In Bb 2.0

I sat in on a lecture about social media recently and a gentleman asked the speaker what was the point. It was an interesting question, and answer seemed obvious. To explore new art forms and models of communication. To bring a simple medium to the people. And ideally to collaborate. The first two have been...

Time out Tuesday: ReTweet Revolution

We all know the role Twitter played in the aftermath of Iran’s elections. How tweets got the play-by-play news from the streets to the world. How it was used by some to organize protesters. How the White House asked Twitter to keep the servers online and push off scheduled system updates. And how it appears...

Time out Tuesday: Ira Glass on Storytelling

I don’t even think I have validate this entry to time out, it’s F’n Ira Glass, women like his style and men have been ripping off his hipster style for years. The host of PBS radios “This American Life” has carved out a piece of the radio landscape and delivers each week the find of...


The Third Coast Rhythm Project visits the youth program at San Juan Community Center to teach kids to make music using their bodies as instruments.

To the moon: The flagmaker

Some days you just have to stand back and realize it. There’s no money in it, all your friends are looking for jobs, the doomsayers are becoming prophets, it’s long hours with sometimes little thank you, and most days it seems like no one even sees your hard work unless Michael Jackson or Britney Spears...

Time out Tuesday: We choose the moon

This site just started popping up over the last couple of weeks. It wasn’t exactly clear what it was about at first, but it looked intriguing. We choose the moon was an interactive site that attempted to relive for another generation what the experience of the first moon landing was for our parents and grandparents....

Dive bomb

I tried to have some fun with this story about birds at a San Antonio deli that have taken to swooping down and attacking unsuspecting men. Odd to say the least. Hopefully my video matches the tone of the story.


The bag from Shaminder Dulai on Vimeo. The last of three videos created for the Midland Daily News’ coverage of the Dow Corning Tennis Classic. Take a look and chime in with any comments/criticisms/advice. Also if you find the video to be a bit jumpy, try watching it in SD as opposed to HD. Thank...

Allie Will

Will from Shaminder Dulai on Vimeo. The second of three videos created for the Midland Daily News’ coverage of the Dow Corning Tennis Classic. Take a look and chime in with any comments/criticisms/advice. Also if you find the video to be a bit jumpy, try watching it in SD as opposed to HD. Later


Doubles from Shaminder Dulai on Vimeo. The first of three videos created for the Midland Daily News’ coverage of the Dow Corning Tennis Classic. Take a look and chime in with any comments/criticisms/advice. Also if you find the video to be a bit jumpy, try watching it in SD as opposed to HD. Thanks.

My how times have changed

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my short lifetime and in my even shorter professional life, it’s that everything changes. No matter what you think can’t be changed, will in all probability, change. Just thinking back at some of the things I used to believe, some examples of which I’m sure you can find...