Posts tagged "multimedia"
I don’t write about technology often, I know, this coming from the guy that posts about video-hosting websites, new cameras, RAW processing and Microsoft’s table computer thing, but honest I don’t do it often, check! Anywho I was looking at the Natchway speech from the TED awards again, and I saw this other video on...
Welcome back to Time out Tuesdays, a continuing effort to share the stories that resonate with me and to keep myself constantly spelunking for the very best in photojournalism week after week. Every week, I’ll post up a new photo story, video, picture or multimedia piece that I think gets it right and is worth...
Welcome back to Time out Tuesdays, a continuing effort to share the stories that resonate with me and to keep myself constantly spelunking for the very best in photojournalism week after week. Every week, I’ll post up a new photo story, video, picture or multimedia piece that I think gets it right and is worth...
If you visit Google Maps you might notice something new. A pair of little red text-based hyperlinks that map out all the important information on the SoCal fires engulfing San Diego, the southern border and parts north of and surrounding LA. It’s all there. Where to go to evacuate, where to take your animals, where...
The biggest failure of the newspaper industry has been failing to change and adapt with its audience. We all say that readership is down and that newspapers are dying (a moment of silence for our brothers and sisters at the Dallas Morning News) and frankly subscribers are dying (old age) and we aren’t getting new...
Welcome back to Time out Tuesdays, a continuing effort to share the stories that resonate with me and to keep myself constantly spelunking for the very best in photojournalism week after week, I’ve decided to start this new feature. Every week, I’ll post up a new photo story, video, picture or multimedia piece that I...
Well, I may not have gotten front page (yet… oh yes, it shall be mine…) but I did end up scoring lead art on the paper’s website. Which I just happened to visit by chance and was pleasantly surprised by. Not so much that my picture was there, but because the website actually looked pretty...
Welcome back to Time out Tuesdays, a continuing effort to share the stories that resonate with me and to keep myself constantly spelunking for the very best in photojournalism week after week, I’ve decided to start this new feature. Every week, I’ll post up a new photo story, video, picture or multimedia piece that I...
Welcome back to Time out Tuesdays, a continuing effort to share the stories that resonate with me and to keep myself constantly spelunking for the very best in photojournalism week after week, I’ve decided to start this new feature. Every week, I’ll post up a new photo story, video, picture or multimedia piece that I...
Welcome back to Time out Tuesdays, a continuing effort to share the stories that resonate with me and to keep myself constantly spelunking for the very best in photojournalism week after week, I’ve decided to start this new feature. Every week, I’ll post up a new photo story, video, picture or multimedia piece that I...
A couple of things that I’ve found in the last few days that are pretty awesome, IMHO… let’s go! The Roanoke Times continues to push the envelope online and today I stumbled across a series with the staff photographers called Photos of the Year, where the staff talks about their favorite captures and the stories...
Well, I’m a bit swapped today with a ton of work and projects on the back burner, so I thought I’d let an old friend take over SLR and do the posting for the day. Take a look and let me know how he does, it’s sometimes hard to tell what he’s saying so don’t...