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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Posts tagged "multimedia"

The elephant seals of Ano Nuevo

A few weeks ago I was afforded the opportunity to travel up the coast and do a story on elephant seals. I finally got around to working with Ryan and creating some more multimedia content for the web. Just like old times.

Will it be two in a row for the Rocky Mountain News?

After winning a Pulitzer prize in 2006 for Final Salute, a brilliant piece that chronicles the travels of Maj. Steve Beck as he travels from family to family informing them that their loved one isn’t coming home from the battle on the other side of the world, the Colorado paper looks poised to do it...

I couldn’t resist brah

Whoooo! Go Ryan!!! Ryan Sholin has been testing the multimedia waters with the Santa Cruz Sentinel… and by testing I mean showing people what can be done… and by people I mean editors and writers… and by writers I mean my co-workers… and by co-workers I mean I work there with Ryan. For a while...

So this is where I’ve been for three days this summer

During the last weekend of July, myself, Daniel Esch and Neal Water convened on the second annual San Jose Grand Prix with our cameras in tow. We were there to create a multimedia package compleate with slideshows and video for The Spartan Daily website. Our goal was to hit the ground running with the so-called...

Moving pictures and I don’t mean flip-books

For months I’ve been looking for the perfect means for uploading my video work onto the blog. I’d been putting it off, constantly moving the task to the back burner whenever other things came along. But now the time has come. Last Friday I helped a friend edit together a teaser trailer for his band....

Some cold hard RAW

Adobe has been rumbling about RAW again. As I pointed out… way back when… Adobe looked to be answering Apple’s challenge of Aperture with LightRoom. (Oh no, I see a soapbox! Why didn’t Adobe call it LightTable? Doesn’t that make more sense? It’s an editing program and where did we edit our takes in the...

Maybe old dogs can learn new tricks?

It looks like newspapers have embraced ‘new journalism’ so strongly that they’re beating TV at its’ own game. The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences created a new Emmy award this year for news and documentary programs produced for websites, mobile phones, iPods and other such ‘new media.’ Surprisingly the most visual medium, the...

Old skooler, Ceppos speaks of the future of media

Former Executive Editor of the San Jose Mercury News, Jerry Ceppos spoke to San Jose State University students in a talk entitled “The future of mass media in a changing economic and technological environment,” a discussion about the future of the news and how people get the news. Ceppos spoke to a nearly packed audience,...