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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Posts tagged "personal"

Writing for the silver screen (by osmosis)

This year I got to take part in something I’ve been wanting to for a long time. It’s another one of those things that I’ve always wanted to do but never knew when the plan would come to fruition. But it’s funny how the last couple months things that I’ve always wanted to do have...

my first (second… well third) front page…

… but the first that I’ve seen in the newsstand. I passed by this kiosk on Pacific Avenue just after sunset as the rain was pouring and I was on my way back to the office dreched by the sudden downpour in nothing but a thin turtle neck sweater (don’t tell my mom, she worries)....

Talk about subtle…

So Blogger thought my blog was a spam blog and I haven’t been able to post until today. Ouch… my pride.

More proof that I’m better than you

This one is for Jona, but I guess the rest of the internet can read it to. Last Friday I was on assignment for Oh Dang!, a Hip Hop culture magazine out of San Francisco, where I got to meet DJ Qbert, Casual of Hieroglyphics and hip-hop journalist Adisa Banjoko. I got to meet more...

I finally went to the beach

After nearly six weeks at the internship in lovely Santa Cruz, I finally made it to the beach, which if you know me is flabbergasting. I’m the guy my friends know as the one who takes off for the beach when he’s bored or wants to clear his head or needs a destination to drive...

Well I guess I have to now

So I never was one for the meme thing, but it looks like it has struck again. In December Ryan Sholin “tagged” me, I didn’t see it right away and figured that the window of obligation had expired, but then wouldn’t you know it, my good ole’ pal Daniel Sato decided to extend me another...

I couldn’t resist brah

Whoooo! Go Ryan!!! Ryan Sholin has been testing the multimedia waters with the Santa Cruz Sentinel… and by testing I mean showing people what can be done… and by people I mean editors and writers… and by writers I mean my co-workers… and by co-workers I mean I work there with Ryan. For a while...

My week in pictures, Jan 21-27

A bit lite this week, with classes at SJSU starting on Wednesday I decided to error on the side of too much free time and only worked one day. So enjoy the two assignments I shot. As always, please see my Flickr feed for caption info. The first was about a potential change in the...

My week in pictures Jan. 14-20, 2007

A few weeks ago I embarked on my second internship, and seeing as how I haven’t updated the blog as often as I’d like, I thought it might be a good idea to share the work I’m producing. Things have settled a bit… more like the calm before the storm as SJSU starts up next...
Ode to the Canon D2000, I still kind of hate you... old friend

Ode to the Canon D2000, I still kind of hate you… old friend

The other night Daniel Sato reminded me of Dr. Dennis Dunleavy’s March 2005 post about my experience in Reno, NV for the 2005 NCAA WAC basketball tournament. Dennis wrote: “Tonight, while helping out on the Spartan Daily, we were waiting for Shaminder to email some images he made at a basketball tournament in Reno. When...