Posts tagged "photojournalism"
Ran into a big hunk of equipment complications today, basically I need a portable power pack, and so in my research I ended up heading over to see what ol’ man David Hobby, aka the Strobist guy, was up to these days. I see he’s posted this video for Canadian rock group “Aquaplane” which was...
I may not be at San Jose State University anymore, but last week one of our projects during my time finally moved from a great idea to the real deal. The SJSU Multimedia Academy was brainstormed last spring as a multi-year, world-wide program to explore the stories that litter the planet, just waiting to be...
I’ve talked about it before, joked about it and held out hope from the inevitable… but today it has come. This morning the staff of the Albuquerque Tribune heard the news, Saturday would be their last day and after 86-years the doors will closed one last time. It wasn’t the paper of my internship, but...
A little shameless self-promotion (because personal cultural modesty isn’t in keeping with the American way). Wee! Another goal off the list.
Do you see it? No? Focus on the center. Take a look at the two pictures, and no they aren’t from the same story. It maybe hard to read here, but the top image is a stand alone feature and the one below it is a news story on a stolen wallet, the surveillance camera...
So here’s a thought. When we were just starting out in multimedia a short 2 (3?) years ago, we were all giddy and excited and couldn’t wait to play with our new toys. And very quickly we started experimenting and trying new things and after a short gestation period with the basics many of us...
The annual contest marking the best work coming out of college photographers announced their picks for 2008. A lot of familiar names on there and a few really gripping images to. Although some of the images left me scratching my head, I won’t name names but how it is in one breath we denounce overdoing...
I don’t write about technology often, I know, this coming from the guy that posts about video-hosting websites, new cameras, RAW processing and Microsoft’s table computer thing, but honest I don’t do it often, check! Anywho I was looking at the Natchway speech from the TED awards again, and I saw this other video on...
Welcome back to Time out Tuesdays, a continuing effort to share the stories that resonate with me and to keep myself constantly spelunking for the very best in photojournalism week after week, I’ve decided to start this new feature. Every week, I’ll post up a new photo story, video, picture or multimedia piece that I...
Welcome back to Time out Tuesdays, a continuing effort to share the stories that resonate with me and to keep myself constantly spelunking for the very best in photojournalism week after week, I’ve decided to start this new feature. Every week, I’ll post up a new photo story, video, picture or multimedia piece that I...
If you’re a photographer and have paid even the slightest sliver of attention to world events, you’ve no doubt heard of what is happening in Burma and most likely you’ve heard of or seen images of Kenji Nagai, 50, the Japanese photographer who was working for Tokyo-based video and photo agency APF News, that was...
Welcome back to Time out Tuesdays, a continuing effort to share the stories that resonate with me and to keep myself constantly spelunking for the very best in photojournalism week after week, I’ve decided to start this new feature. Every week, I’ll post up a new photo story, video, picture or multimedia piece that I...