Posts tagged "san antonio express-news"
A couple of you saw me tweet this today and were curious about what I was up to. “Walking around in the woods w/ boy scouts showing me where they found the dead body. Now I’ve nvr seen Stand by Me, but I imagine it’s this” Well it turns out a group of friends were...
This year for Veterans day I was sent to a new GI Forum housing and a work center for homeless veterans. It’s part of a larger campus called Haven for Hope which is all designed around aiding the homeless and low income folks in need of a hand. The campus isn’t open 100% yet, they...
Everyday as I leave for work I drive past a man who walks up and down my street with a broom. When I come back he’s still walking. Years ago I lived next to a women who every Thursday morning, before the sun came out, would cruise through recycling bins. A few months later the...
Turns out there’s a family of the monarch butterflies which migrate through south Texas and today I had the opportunity to make a two hour drive to spend the day in a sea of them fluttering all around me. For a day, I feel like I’m back in California 🙂 There’s more pictures if you’re...
A series of caves in Stone Oak City Park are part of the recharge zone for the aquifer.
When I was handed an assignment sheet to cover the San Anto Cultural Arts press conference, I was a bit confused. They’re going to crown King and Queen Huevo? “Eggs,” I thought. “Am I losing something in translation here?” It turns out my two years of bumbling through high school Spanish had once again come...
Do you remember that scene from Jurassic Park where the Tyrannosaurus Rex first appears? I never remember the dinosaurs or the car or the screaming kids from that scene, I mean I do eventually, but it’s not the first thing I think of. I remember the water, and how it vibrated like a door ringer...
The buck lifted his head and stared at me as I tried to move closer. I was driving around Fair Oaks Ranch looking for a picture to go with a story on stage 3 water restrictions but wasn’t having any luck. Some days are like that. It also didn’t help that my eight hour shift...
Tea parties are pretty strange. I mean, if you think about it, they’re pretty strange. Men in sharp black suits and polished shoes not going to the office. Women in flower-adorned hats and their Sunday best not going to church, well Sunday church. Everyone stopping in the middle of the day and dropping all their...
The Third Coast Rhythm Project visits the youth program at San Juan Community Center to teach kids to make music using their bodies as instruments.
Some days you just have to stand back and realize it. There’s no money in it, all your friends are looking for jobs, the doomsayers are becoming prophets, it’s long hours with sometimes little thank you, and most days it seems like no one even sees your hard work unless Michael Jackson or Britney Spears...
The Shriner’s were in San Antonio this year for their annual convention. They’ve been doing all sorts of things all weekend and ended their visit today with a parade past The Alamo and through downtown. I saw this man sitting on a stool and it just looked so icon to me with his surroundings and...