Will Smith and kids not shocked by Miley’s VMA performance; how did so many get it wrong?
Last night, if you haven’t been bombarded by it enough already (lucky you), was MTVs Video Music Awards show. Also known as that show Colbert has a beef with now. I didn’t see it, but this morning I was forced to catch up for work. If you’d told me a couple of year ago the...

Our obsession with being online is the perfect reason for #GetOfflineDay
A couple of months ago my good friend Roberto Rosales had upgraded his phone and decided to toss me his old iPhone 3Gs. When I told my friends I’d finally be able to join them on Instagram and Draw Something, one of them remarked “pooping will never be the same…” I’m using it now as an iPod Touch...

SnapDap: Drew Angerer’s Clinton surprise
Welcome to the latest installment of SnapDap, a series of posts where we give props to a single image, story or project and the photographers behind them. If there’s something inspiring your eye and you;d like to see it featured in a future installment, please let us know in the comments below! A couple weeks...

Jesus hates you?
With all the social media and the blogs and vlogs (that’s still a thing right?) and the knick-knack and what have you, there’s a lot of stuff out there to keep you busy 24/7. After IM’ing with an old college buddy the other night, I got to thinking about chat rooms. Are they still around...