The National Basketball Association lockout is over, and what may seem like a run of the mill sports story of high stakes brinkmanship is actually akin to a natural disaster sending economic impacts throughout local economies across the US. At its heart the NBA lockout was an exercise of kabuki theater between employees demanding a...
The University of New Mexico Lobo’s charged the field in their home opener against the New Mexico Aggies and we decided to give it the old Joe Wise college try. Click the image to check it out. Fellow ABQ intern Morgan Petroski suggested it after realizing it’s most likely the biggest game of the season...
The last couple of days I’ve been shooting a lot of high school baseball and softball games and I’m afraid I may like baseball now. I always said I didn’t like baseball because it was boring and slow and I hated sitting still and watching grown men spit and scratch and stretch and stand for...
Thanks for nothing… cold night, hair brained organization (fun crowd however), and no tickets. 13 years! I guess when we’ve got the longest running NBA playoffs drought, no one really knows how to act in the post season. *tear Plan B: 2 p.m. on Ticketmaster, no go. Tickets sold out… that morning… nothing left… online...
The other night Daniel Sato reminded me of Dr. Dennis Dunleavy’s March 2005 post about my experience in Reno, NV for the 2005 NCAA WAC basketball tournament. Dennis wrote: “Tonight, while helping out on the Spartan Daily, we were waiting for Shaminder to email some images he made at a basketball tournament in Reno. When...