Posts tagged "Uncategorized"
Well it seems after a flurry of activity on SLR I got a little too busy and haven’t been posting. Where was I? I said I’ve been busy (and I’m OK mom), really really busy. The past month I’ve started, stopped, continued and dropped about a half dozen projects and story ideas as I continue...
In a (not so) odd (if you really think about it) nod to Americana, Obama goes for the techie vote with this clever (plagiarized?) champaign ad. I can’t imagine what Apple would say, I guess it’s nice that she’s paying homage to Apple by wearing an iPod… but wow. If this takes off, and I...
In 5 yrs. 557 families. A record high 148 lives in 2006. Homicide and Oakland, in the Bay Area you can’t have a conversation about one without someone bringing the topic to the other, but maybe that’s a conversation worth having. About a week ago the Oakland Tribune took another bold step into expanded storytelling...
Let me first preface this post by saying that I don’t like Carson Daly, he ranks right up there between Dane Cook and a kick to the groin from behind for me. Why do I say this? Because I am forced to admit that I was watcing his late night show after Conan ended tonight....
Yay!*Batman is a tradmark of DC Comics, a subsiderary of Warner Bros. and is provided without permission to SLR. Filed under: personal
As the holidays end, the lights come down, the trees hit the curb, folks sober up and the world starts spinning again three things are a given: That scarf will just sit in your trunk until it’s to late to return it. Mr. Lopez isn’t going to take in his Menorah until March so stop...
One of my latest projects has been a documentary on a local band and it just so happens I have the opportunity to provide a sneak peek into the work I’m producing. The final product is still in flux and I’m still in the process of capturing footage, but here’s a trailer video I edited...
Sometimes you just need to take a break. It’s the end of the semester at San Jose State University and you know what that means… Yup, excusses to procrastinate writing that last term paper for the final tomorrow afternoon. So enjoy this holiday selection that combines the timelessness of a couple “nuts” with the wit...
It’s Halloween, the one time of year when if you really want to, you can get away with acting like a 7-year-old and no one will look at you funny… well almost nobody… hey Tulsa, don’t judge me! Here’s the latest installment of Shawagg And if that’s not enough carve this! It’s the virtual pumpkin...
See you there! 6 p.m. Nov 2. @ DBH 133 More info at or post a comment and I’ll get back to you.
So the last couple day’s I’ve received a few odd phone calls and comments from folks in the hall at I walked about the journalism department… “Nice job, but are you sure it’s a good thing?” … “I woke up today to your voice”… “You’re not as dumb as you act.” Last Friday I was...
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