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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Posts tagged "Uncategorized"

The revamped Spartan Daily is online

The new Spartan Daily online is off to a running start. As the new Online Editor I’m quite proud of what we were able to do in such a short time. The changes go far beyond the cosmetic. Sure it’s slick and quite a piece of eye candy, but there’s more under the hood than...

Ethics of Photojournalism in the pre-digital age

Photographic manipulation and the questions of ethics aren’t a recent creation of the Photoshop era. As the Museum of Hoaxes shows us it’s as old as photography. In the above picture: In 1925, as the story goes, New York News photographer Harry Warnecke was out looking for a feature and happened to see a traffic...

The oceans aren’t quite as wide anymore

The world is getting smaller and smaller as we get interconnected and the trade of communication becomes a global language. As we shrink down and get closer to each other it becomes more important than ever to understand other people and their cultures. Higher education seems to agree with me. Seeing as, in the wake...

test for daniel


Oy am I thirsty! Day one at my SVCN internship.

What a day! Friday was day one of my internship with SVCN and boy what a day! I tell you, getting ready for the first day of work is like getting ready for the prom. I spent twenty minutes trying to comb my hair toady, and even then it didn’t satisfy. But enough about my...

Not quite CS3, Adobe with Flash!

Days ago I ran across a peculiar e-mail in my inbox. It seems the first steps in the Adobe and Macromedia marriage have been taken as Adobe re-released CS2 as a version bundled with Flash. It’s not quite CS3, but it’s an exciting development that hints at things to come. It’s not to hard to...

My portfolio and other news….

With some clever reading a little mental grease from a friend I’ve been able to add my portfolio to SLR in a pretty snazzy looking flash applet. I’ve created a new sub-head for “Personal Links” and my ever-evolving portfolio is linked there. I’m always open to interpretations and I would love a constructive critique if...

That’s a Mighty Big Organ*!

My first reaction when running across this installment of Brian Crane’s “Pickels”? It’s soo true! My next thought? Why did I think of that for my comic? But I digress. (BTW click any strip for a larger view.)As an aspiring photojourlist, I’m always looking for inspiration and National Gerographic is part of my regular rotation....

Thirty Million Strong

Today Canon announced it has reached the lofty production milestone of thirty million interchangeable EF (or electro-focus) lenses. A feat that took less than twenty years since the launch of Canon’s EOS camera system and the EF lens mount. In a press release Canon stated: “The EF lens mount revolutionised SLR photography in 1987 by...

Did Apple Awaken a Sleeping Giant?

A few months ago, Apple Computers stopped dipping its toe into digital imaging software and plunged it’s whole foot in with the release of Aperture, a post production tool for working with RAW images aimed squarely at professional photographers. Some would say that was encroaching in Adobe’s realm and there’s been rumbling within the industry...

Global Advertising on Google Maps

It’s a sign of the times. As the world gets more and more connected and products like Google Earth become more popular it’s become evident that there are new forums for advertisers. This Target store seems to agree. The power of the image indeed. More zany weirdness at Google Sightseeing. So anyone interested in buying...

Zeiss (Finally) Confirms What We’ve Known for Weeks

After weeks of specualtion, leaks, and countless delays, Carl Zeiss made it official. Zeiss Lenses for Nikon F Mount are coming! Not that I could ever afford one, but it’s knee-snapping monumental news all in the same. We’ll be seeing the first Zeiss lenses soon. With the Planar T* 50 mm F1.4 ZF and the...