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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Posts tagged "Uncategorized"

I Failed! A Three Part Saga of Triumph and Tribulation

In color. Tonight’s installment: Nice to meet you murder. Today (and by today I mean last Friday) I went into the offices of SVCN to fill out some paperwork for my upcoming internship with Los Gatos Weekly-Times. Everything went smoothly. (Why are W-9 forms so intimidating? I mean they are so simple.) I was introduced...

In My Mind I Still Host a Late Night Talk Show…

Today the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit to stop President Bush from wire tapping Americans without a judge’s order. No word from Bush, but me thinks it may have been sparked by bad intelligence. (Psst… Bush is… well you know… it’s like beating a dead horse.) Actor William Shatner sold his kidney stone...

Left Right or Wrong, It’s Politics as Usual

Originally published September 08, 2005. With the confirmation hearings of Judge Samuel Alito making the news of the day, I thought it might be pertinent to republish a column I wrote last year during John G. Roberts’ confirmation hearings. I guess it just goes to show, nothing ever really changes. Monday will be a historic...

The Next Chapter…

This Friday I begin an internship at Los Gatos Weekly Times , a localized paper under the umbrella of Silicon Valley Community Newspapers. SVCN publishes the Almaden Resident, Campbell Reporter, Cupertino Courier, Los Gatos Weekly-Times, Rose Garden Resident, Saratoga News, Sunnyvale Sun, and Willow Glen Resident. As of now, I don’t have a solid list...

Koppel: Day 2 — March of The Old-School

And the hits just keep on rolling for Ted Koppel, or KoppelCo. as I’m going to start calling it. (Feel free to use it. I know you’re going to steal it anyway.) According to an AP story, Al Jazeera courted Koppel. No details were given on what the Arabic television news channel proposed to Koppel....

You Can’t Keep a Good Journalist Down

When Ted Koppel left ABC News and “Nightline,” the show he built in March 1980 in the midst of the U.S.-Iranian hostage crisis, it was a blow for journalism, but not an unexpected move. A move some say was long brewing after ABC went behind his back in an attempt to woo David Letterman’s Late...

Memoirs of an Editor

The Spartan Daily Photo Staff — Fall 05 Clockwise from top middle: Elizabeth Nguyen, Kevin White, Ben Lui,Daniel Sato, Phil Bedrossian, Shaminder Dulai, and Diana Diroy. *Contact me for the sitcom pitch 😉 As the Fall semester at San Jose State University comes to a close, so does my tenure as a Photo Editor for...

Flash(ing) Creep

If you’re like me, you love animation and you love good music. Do yourself a favor and check out this Radiohead video I found floating around. *56K warning: It may take a moment to load, be patient. Also is it just me getting older or does the new music these days tend to displease? When...

Nostalgia Is Overrated

It seems every multinational corporation from AT&T to Intel is creating a new logo these day. Perhaps Kodak just didn’t want to be left out. Kodak Chariman and CEO Antonio Perez unveiled the new design during a speach at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). “This introduction is the latest step in the company’s broad brand...

“Every 20 years someone gets outraged and says oh by god we gotta put diapers on horses”

Who says late night TV has to be giggles and gags? Last night David Letterman interviewed Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly on his CBS Late Show and summed the man up with a few choice words. “I have the feeling that 60% of what you say is crap…” –Letterman to O’Reilly on CBS The Late...


Thanks for visiting S(urrender) L(aughter) R(egularly): A Student’s Take on Photojournalism! With reflections of visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of San Jose State University, the school of Journalism and Mass...

My Portfolio

*Hover over the applet for navigation tools. For captions, click on any picture.