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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Posts tagged "Uncategorized"

In my mind I host a late night talk show…

Singer Ashlee Simpson has reportedly returned home to Dallas after she was hospitalized in Japan last week for collapsing from exhaustion… the tour will go on without her. In other news President George Bush admitted to spying on US citizens. I’d like to take a moment now to say George W. Bush is the greatest...

Finally found Flicker

After nearly a year of poking and prodding I finally got around to creating a Flickr account. (Keep trying MySpace friends.) As is usually the case in these situations, my fears proved unfounded. Flickr is a wonderful service. The layout is clean, the menus are intuitive and little touches like pulling captions out of Photoshop’s...

Why blog, why now

For a few weeks now I’ve been considering creating a blog. Blogs can be a great way to share information and build communities of special interests. In a sense an extension of traditional column writing for news papers and the internet bulletin board. Plus in the increasingly competitive world of photojournalism it’s becoming more and...

My old video game reviews

NBA Street Vol. 2Def Jam VendettaGrand Prix ChallengeIndiana Jones and the Emperor’s TombThe Legend of Zelda: The Wind WakerStar Wars Jedi Knight IIZone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner Filed under: sitenews personal funstuff

My old movie reviews

All About the BenjaminsI Am SamArc the LadAuto FocusBamboozledBand of OutsidersBlade IIThe Brotherhood of the WolfCarnival of SoulsCold Creek ManorComic Book ConfidentialComic Book ConfidentialCowboy Bebop: The MovieCradle 2 the GraveDead RingersDown by LawDown with LoveEastwood After HoursElfEurotripThe EyeFear and Loathing in Las VegasFreddy vs. JasonGeorge WashingtonGigliThe Grey ZoneThe Haunted MansionHellboyHighlanderHighwayHow HighIrreversibleJohnny EnglishKill Bill Vol. 1Knockaround...

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