“Denton Pedicab” is a beautifully shot and produced short documentray on an immigrant entrepreneur who found a cheap solution for barhoppers in “a drinking town with a college problem.” Laurent Prouvost noticed that after a night of drinking, students from nearby University of Northern Texas, in Denton, Texas, were choosing to drive home drunk rather...
It’s the end of the year and that usually means two things, left overs and best of lists. This year saw a lot of newsworthy events from the Arab Spring to OWS, Obama got Osama to Rick Perry trying to remember three things, it was a year packed with news events and continued debate about what journalism’s of...
Online news video does a poor job of making itself available to viewers and thinking about how they access it. In order to build audiences and grow their business, newsrooms need a better way of structuring video to serve the public, because viewers need trusted, reliable and accurate information from news gatherers in a timely...
This entry is part of a series of #moznewslab posts that I’ll publish over the course of my time as a participant in the Knight-Mozilla learning lab. On the merits of a video idea“that will improve the way that online news is produced or experienced” I was invited to the second round of the Knight-Mozilla Fellowship....
What happens when you reach a path divided? After nearly 30 years as a successful neurologist in Europe, Luis Perez-Bayas couldn’t fill the void that was left when he pursued medicine at age 18. Now he’s foraging back to an unexplored path for a new kind of life that combines his knowledge of the brain...
This entry is part of a series of #moznewslab posts that I’ll publish over the course of my time as a participant in the Knight-Mozilla learning lab. On the merits of a video idea “that will improve the way that online news is produced or experienced” I was invited to the second round of the...
The future of video is an evolution and it’s going to look radical or familiar depending on how critically you think about it, so don’t be intimidated, like my community college journalism instructor said, “everything’s been done, but it hasn’t been done by you.” Flip an old idea, see what happens. It’s fun. I’ve been...
Not too long ago I was packing up my life in Houston, Tx, shoving everything I owned into my car for a trip west. In between buying packing tape and paper cuts my mind was bombarded with ideas for improving newspaper video. One of those ideas resonated enough with the judges of the Knight-Mozilla News...
A series of caves in Stone Oak City Park are part of the recharge zone for the aquifer.
The Third Coast Rhythm Project visits the youth program at San Juan Community Center to teach kids to make music using their bodies as instruments.
Some days you just have to stand back and realize it. There’s no money in it, all your friends are looking for jobs, the doomsayers are becoming prophets, it’s long hours with sometimes little thank you, and most days it seems like no one even sees your hard work unless Michael Jackson or Britney Spears...
To tie in to the launch of the new version of Apple’s Final Cut Pro, Lynda.com has decided to offer up some free training. No doubt to get upgraders quickly up to speed with all the new features, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing in there to be learned by folks like you an me...