My first reaction when running across this installment of Brian Crane’s “Pickels”? It’s soo true!
My next thought? Why did I think of that for my comic? But I digress. (BTW click any strip for a larger view.)
As an aspiring photojourlist, I’m always looking for inspiration and National Gerographic is part of my regular rotation. I’ve even traveled many miles just to hear former Geo photographers speak of their passion. And the magazine is sacred to some, we never throw them away. Even now I’m looking at my bookshelf and see dozens of issues.
This story arc was so up my alley that I did something I rarly do. I contacted Mr. Crane.
Dear S. Dulai,
I wish I had an interesting anecdote to share with you about how the inspiration for the Nat’l Geo series came to me, but I don’t. Like my character Earl, I have a very hard time throwing out my National Geographics, and that is where the idea came from. A lot of my own quirks and idiosyncrasies show up in my strip and this is just one of them. As to your question about when inspiration struck, I don’t recall exactly. Like all comic strip artists, I work several weeks ahead of publication, so it would be somewhere in that neighborhood. Good luck with your studies at SJSU and in your photojournalism career.
Brian Crane
Well, great backstory or not, it was still hilarious all in the same. Be sure to check out the adventures of the Pickels everyday at the offical site.
*An organ in magazine-speak for a stack of the same periodical.