When Deidrea and T.K. Laux learned during their first pregnancy that their unborn child had trisomy 13 (a rare DNA abnormality which makes it impossible for newborns to live more than a couple hours to days outside the womb) they were faced with a choice, carry the child to term and say goodbye to him within days or abort the pregnancy twenty weeks in. They choose Thomas.
“Facing death can be the hardest for a family expecting new life. Follow T.K. and Deidrea Laux’s journey after they learn that their unborn son has a genetic disorder. They hope the intimate look helps others understand and cope with infant loss”
Dallas Morning News shooter Sonya N. Hebert produced Choosing Thomas with stills, video and excerpts from Deidrea’s personal diary to take us deep.
With the most intimate of moments, from welcoming Thomas into the world to saying goodbye to the young life. It’s a heart-wrenching emotional story with many genuine lessons and a deep look at a subject that is often covered in the most superficial of fashions.
It’s not often that something comes along, especially these days, that stops us in our tracks and makes us reflect on more important things; this piece does that.