It’s cold, I’m tired and there’s a few cool things Santa related that I ran across… soooo… It’s light and fluffy time.
Wired Magazine has a really funny article in the December issue that breaks down how one man can run such an empire and still do it year after year, the high tech way (it is Wired after all).
Unfortunately I can’t link you to it, it’s not online (it is a magazine for profit after all).
NPR however has a report on the article, and it’s almost as fun.
Google is tracking Santa in partnership with NORAD again. Pretty cool use of Google Maps, man if we’re not careful those two Stanford kids are gonna take over the world.
But if you’re one of my new New Mexico readers, perhaps you prefer a more local provider of satellite surveillance. There’s Los Alamos Labs.
Now, if you like your Santa’s a little more edgy, here’s a couple of stories for you.
First, a bunch of drunk Santas, they say 50, rushed into a New Zealand Movie theater caroling to “Ho! F*****! Ho!”
Finally, the desert, my good buddy Daniel Esch created this piece last year after attending Santacon.
I was supposed to go with him, but missed it, and after seeing what he came back with, boy did I miss it!
Well that’s that.
Happy Thanksgiving part 2, III